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St. John Health Care Shop

As well as being a freelance photographer, I also do work for St. John Healthcare Equipment. The organisation is run differently to that in the UK and has three departments under one hat. The ambulance emergency and rescue, the healthcare equipment shop and also the charity run department.

During my time, I have had the opportunity to do some charitable work for St. John in product photography and some staff head shots and event preparation.

St. John Healthcare Statement


The St John Health Care Shop stocks an extensive range of top quality products to help you and your loved ones stay mobile and safe either at home or when out and about.

Martin, Graham, Tracey, Theresa and Gillian are here to help. They are experienced, highly trained and able to provide sympathetic, practical advice to help make independent living achievable.

They offer products to rent and hire, and their selection of over 1000 items includes everything from specially designed cutlery crockery, wheelchairs, mobility scooters hospital beds and of course first aid supplies.

The Shop supplies equipment to the islands nursing homes and hospitals, as well as to community nurses and to individuals who may need items to help relatives at home or even visitors to the island. 

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